Unlike before when you're still an employee, you are now to
decide how much you should get paid. This seems to be exciting as no one can
force you simply because you are now your boss. However, this becomes difficult
as you don't only need to make sure that you're getting paid what you're truly
worth. Whether you are a new freelancer or
an already experienced one, below are some of the important factors to consider
before you accept the price offer.
Working time
You can decide as to whether you get paid on per hourly
basis or per project. Nevertheless, it
is very important that you know how long you can finish it. Apparently, many freelancers
simply use the current price rates in the market. Although you can also do the
same, this is quite tricky especially that freelancers
come from different parts of the world. Therefore, the key here is to study the
other factors first before you finally decide on your price range.
Overhead expenses
This includes electricity consumption, supplies and other
expenditures you need to spend for while
doing the project. In doing so, you can use your working time for the project
as your basis. If you're living in a third-world country, your overhead
expenses might be considerably lower than those living in the US or UK.
However, you should remember that the economy status of your country is not
always stable. Therefore, your expenditures may change abruptly.
As a freelancer,
you are now a businessman and not a mere worker. Therefore, the profit you earn
is the amount you earn minus your expenses. But no, this is not as not as
simple as you think. In some cases, you need to lower your profit if your
client is not a big company. This is why you should first know the client
before presenting him your price offer. Remember, clients are not just
employers. They hire freelancers
to solve their problems, not just to serve them.
Again, freelancing is a business and is therefore a two-way
street. Clients prefer freelancing services over hiring employees not only to
minimize their responsibilities, but also to save money. As a freelancer, it's
your responsibility to satisfy the client but still getting paid what you're
worth. A satisfied client will not hesitate to recommend you to their friends,
and pay higher for the next project. Therefore, you should not only earn money
but also to earn trust.
Joining free job posting sites like ours will not
help only you find clients, but will also help you know how much you should be
paid. With us, you will see the price range being offered by freelancers of
almost any field of expertise, online or offline. Our long list of categories
for local jobs include such as carpentry, carpet cleaning and landscape
design. For online jobs, we have article writing, animation, web design, logo
design, video editing, and many more.
For more information, feel free to join us any time at http://amojobs.com/and register for free.
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